Want to raise inspired kids? Who doesn’t.
The mission of many parents out there is to make sure they raise inspired kids. In fact, there are though, a few things that you may need to consider when looking at having your kids lit up from the inside.
For many of us, we place a ton of pressure on ourselves to have our children’s lives turn out perfectly. The reality is, we have no control over our kids future, but what we do have is an ability to influence. Influence is a much healthier and organic way of looking at raising your kids. They are on a journey, and you have the ability to influence how the ride goes. You don’t have control over their action and choices, that’s for them to work through, but the things you do, the way you speak, your behaviours, can have unconscious influence over the choices they make in the future.
Here are a few things to consider when looking to influence and raise inspired kids.
1. Mentoring: You are the most influential person they have in their life for at least the first 10-12 years. You are their God. What you say, how you say it, how you posture your body, the language you use, will all be dramatically influential on how they see the world. Consider yourself the most important mentor that sets the “software” of their brain. When you are an inspired parent, you will increase the odds of them naturally being inspired.
2. Curiosity: As a parent, curiosity is appreciated from our children, but what about the other way around? We need to be curious. We need to wonder about what lights them up. We need to ask questions. I asked my daughter what her favourite days of the week are, so I could get a sneak peak as to what she values most. She gave me a couple of surprising answers which allowed me the opportunity to re-evaluate what I thought I knew about her. Just because you live with someone doesn’t mean you should think you know that person. Let them unfold their personality while you stay curious and ask high quality questions.
3. Direct and Allow: By this I mean give them an avenue to direct their attention toward their high value items, allow them to explore their most energized activities, even if they may not match what you consider to be exciting or inspiring. Bored kids are troubled kids, and on the other hand, inspired kids are vital, focused and creative. Like a guide on a tour bus, you point out the options, but they ultimately choose what they want to be engaged with.
So the 3 important components to raising inspired kids are 1) Mentor Inspiration 2) Stay curious and 3) Direct and allow their energy to take action.
All the best, and have an inspired week.
Best foot forward,
Dr. Steve