Empower 30

A 30 Day program to accelerate your health and healing

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About Dr. steve Fonso, D.C.

I love to help people learn, heal and grow. 
I’ve done it for 20 years.
I’ve run a holistic practice working with close to 150,000 individual healing sessions.
I’ve personally worked through my own challenges of parent divorce and an absent dad, leg braces as a kid, anxiety, blown spinal discs, shoulder dysfunction…so I get it, I know what it’s like to suffer the depths of the dark side, and I know what it’s like to awaken and have spiritual experiences revealing the absolute light and freedom…and everything in between. 
I’ve assisted people to breakthrough thousands of different issues, from physical functional problems, to mental and emotional issues, to relationship and family struggles.
I’ve dedicated my life to give you the absolute best.
Fortunately, you get to benefit from my years of hard work and dedication to mastering healing for myself and others. 
Now it’s your turn. 
Listen to your inner voice, and listen to the future you, who calls for more.  
Make it the right time. 

Holistic Neurological Care Includes 3 Pillars

Spine & Posture

Emotional State

Mental Clarity

Spine & Posture

Emotional State

Mental Clarity

See Testimonials

“My heart literally feels unburdened. I don't know the mechanism exactly, but the process you walked me through has just seemed to open a door to something even better than bliss.. a limitless possibility, assurance, an invitation - a depth of feeling and knowing that just envelopes - a love that feels boundless. And an understanding that all the calamities encountered have led to this.. and I am grateful.“
Mary Ludwig
“When I initially met Dr. Steve... I must admit that I was: extremely fatigued, depressed, scared and fearful of my lung diagnosis, terrified of my future health and lifestyle changes and did not feel very hopeful. I was not functioning in the NOW and my brain was foggy but at the same time scattered in a million directions. I felt stuck with no tools. Now, after only 6 weeks with Dr. Steve, I am ecstatic of my results! I am feeling confident and hopeful of my future pertaining my lungs! I strongly feel more in control of my life, brain, energy and health. I am able to accept what is and look forward to tomorrows. I am thankful to be alive every day and enjoying being more in the NOW! I have not felt this peaceful in a long time. I look forward to my continued growth and mental and physical well-being. Thank you, Dr. Steve!“
Lynn Proulx

Customized Programs to Accelerate Your Healing

Get your healing started today with a 30 minute Zoom call with Dr. Steve!

Dr. Steven Fonso