Learn a new wellness word.... Don't know if you have heard of it yet, but a new emerging word has entered the scene. It was a word introduced in the 70's that is making some waves. It is called Salutogenesis. Salutogenesis is an approach to health focusing on factors that promote …
Pushed to the Edge…..
Sometimes, sometimes, we need to be pushed to the edge. It can be a place where true magic happens. The edge is a place where you are able to get real, remove obstacles, shove aside previous beliefs, release ideas that you play with when you were comfortable. The edge says, "whatever you …
Stop Trying To Be Better….
Stop trying to better yourself. What if you didn't need to improve yourself? I mean, DO NOTHING to attempt to get better. What if the only thing you needed to focus on, was to appreciate who you are and what you have? This may sound over-simplistic, but according to neurophysiology …