I had an incredible insight years ago. I was walking with my wife, and we were talking about people that she admired for the life they were living. Two names that came up were an artistic leader who has created an incredible brand and business in home decor, and the second was the …
A Forgotten Rule to Manifesting What You Want
A forgotten rule to manifesting what you want. You know those times when you are frustrated in your communication with someone and they don't really get what you are trying to say, and then they finally understand, and completely validate your thought or idea? They say, "yeah, I totally …
How to Reduce Conflict (Build Better Relationships)
It's no easy task to reduce conflict. Reducing conflict and building better relationships is at the core of being human. I'm sure it's been around since the dawn of time. Within the family or corporate dynamic, we are sure to come across times of chaos, moments of irrational communication or …