Amazing energy awaits you when you let go; and liberate yourself. You know that feeling I'm talking about. When you let go of an idea you had about yourself. When you let go of an old story that doesn't serve you anymore. When you let go of a group of people that don't jive with …
How To Raise A Future Leader
There are many assumptions we can make when it comes to looking at our children as future leaders. What does leader mean? Can it be defined? Are there social assumptions we make? What is valuable in the culture? Is it a president, a mother, a great entrepreneur, a fabulous wife? What dictates or …
When Life Feels Overwhelming
Sometimes life feels overwhelming doesn’t it? How to practice patience is an important skill set to learn in any area of life, especially when it comes to working with family, kids, coworkers and your health. Remember our grandparents saying they walked uphill both ways to school? It’s a great …