Stop trying to fix yourself. Assuming you need to be fixed stems from a questionable thought process that something is wrong with you in the first place. If you baked a pie, and it didn't come out the way you wanted, you would question, adjust the ingredients, bake again and taste. You …
You’re Not For Everyone
You're not for everyone...…. and neither am I. You know, we can get really hung up with wanting to be liked. (not licked for those in-the-gutter minds) In fact, just before writing this, I was debating whether to publish this blog, as I didn't want to "bother" or "be too much" for you. …
How to Become A More PRESENT and EMPOWERED Parent
Dr. Steve shows us how a tiny shift in perspective can increase your energy levels and have you feeling less resentful and more present in your daily life. Allowing yourself to become a more present and empowered parent. …