What's your next step? This is a nudge reminder. You may have a project, something around your house you've been putting off, someone you've been meaning to go visit, something you've wanted to share..... You're unconscious mind will continue to speak to you in whispers and give you little …
3 Ways to Love More
3 ways to love more; Set the conditions, Wait, Repeat setting conditions and waiting. Starting with an old adage that there is only love and all else is an illusion, lets us know that loving ourselves or others, is always available. We do, through our limitations of body and mind, require …
How to EFFECTIVELY Argue With Your Partner
In this video, Dr. Steven Fonso will show you how to effectively argue with your partner. How do you effectively argue with your partner? You don't effectively argue by trying to win the argument, you effectively argue by listening to your partner. When you argue to try and win, you really don't …