Your body is a tool of expression. I introduce this concept to people every time I meet them for an initial appointment. I show them their posture and we evaluate their spinal movement and flow. Why? Because posture is a reflection of your most commonly expressed emotions. Anger …
3 Ways For Better Commitment
3 ways for better commitment. A few weeks ago I wrote about radical devotion; the full dive into your life. Now that we are at the beginning of February, it's more important and becomes even more relevant. We begin to see, and our actions reveal, what's most effortless to accomplish, and …
How to Increase Odds of Commitment
How to increase odds of commitment. Sometimes it can be fun to play with new year's resolutions. Often times the goals are set around things we which the list is endless. About a few years ago I wrote a blog about making this step easier and it still holds true. Pick the …