Here’s when you can bet YOU AREN’T being authentic:
- When you’re talking about someone and thinking they should be different.
- When you’re talking about yourself and thinking you should be different.
So, how much of your weekly conversations does that cover?
17 years ago, I had my mind blown, that all of us have ALL parts.
Parts that tell the truth, parts that lie.
Parts that are selfish, parts that are selfless.
Parts that are strong, parts that are weak.
And intuitively I knew this, but part of me resisted the acceptance of it.
Who the hell wants to admit part of them is compulsive or stupid?
Ugh…no one….hahahah.
Anyways, close to 4500 human traits within each of us, each with their opposites.
And the outside world gives us triggering feedback to let us know what part of us we have yet to love.
That power hungry politician you hate? Yup.
That obtuse professor that annoys you? Yup.
That nagging spouse that is irritating? Yup.
They all serve a purpose to expose your inner weakness, AND that weakness is revealing to you the parts that you still don’t love about yourself.
Sometimes you’re nice, sometimes you’re mean.
Sometimes you’re generous, sometimes you’re stingy.
Sometimes you’re pleasant, sometimes you’re nasty.
Authenticity then, is being HONEST with yourself.
That you have all parts…and nothing is missing.
You have both sides.
And so does every other person on the planet.
And the expectation that you OR someone ‘should’ express ONLY ONE SIDE, is the disease of authenticity…
Because ONE SIDED thinking of yourself or others is a distortion of the truth..
It’s a lie.
Oh yeah, one last triggering remark..
Part of you is a liar.
Have a great week accepting your full self.