I ask this question regularly to clients.
And most of us suck at answering it.
Because the brain is so habituated to seeing what you don’t want, most people have mastered that question.
When I ask “what do you want?”
And then they say,
“I don’t want to be tired anymore”
“I don’t want to be in a pain anymore”
“I don’t want to be in debt anymore”
And then I ask, “well, what do you want?”..
Most pause, in a temporary state of confusion, because they aren’t used to asking themselves that question.
And it’s not that they don’t know what they want.
They just don’t claim it.
And since they don’t claim it, their brain keeps focusing on the problem and how they don’t want that problem to persist.
You see what I’m saying?
Clarifying what you want, will be your next step from being a victim in any area of your life.
You can start with what you don’t want, then, from that, claim what you DO want.