As I sat plugging away on a project,
my mind feeling slightly scrambled with
the material I was covering,
I felt myself move into a place of overwhelm.
At least, not at ease.
I sat back, putting my manic overwhelm aside for a moment,
paused and took a breath.
In that breath, a phrase came to me.
“what if it was easy?”
Bong!- Right on the head. What if it was easy?
What a question!
I chuckled in its simplicity and effectiveness to shift my awareness and overwhelm.
I found myself immediately looking for paths of least resistance.
I found myself engaging in actions that seemed most
abundant in energy.
I found myself much more relaxed in the process.
This was helping to build on an already successful strategy on how to cure procrastination
With this well-timed question, the path seemed to open
up and daylight begin to shine through.
Whether it be a project like mine, or eating well,
or exercise, or any venture that seems to attract
an element of resistance and “efforting”, we can quickly
get into a mindset and belief that what we are attempting
to accomplish is hard. That belief, now has us pigeon-holed
into a frame of reference that says,
“let’s push through the hard,
no matter how hard it is.” and we are focused on hard, hard, hard.
And guess what we become…hard.
What if though, by asking a question like “what if it was easy?”
could open the doorway for more grace, productivity, effortlessness and ease?
I could definitely say that when I posed the question, there was a definite shift
in how and what I was looking at, as well as how I was behaving.
I lost the frantic and manic and friction oriented Steve, and replaced him with a
more at-ease, relaxed and resourceful version.
This is how we constantly shift our state, our awareness, and how
no matter who you are, continue to grow.
Best foot forward,
Dr. Steve
P.S. have you joined our “Family of Resilience?”