Embrace impermanence. Imagine if you tried to stop the seasons from happening? Imagine if you tried to make it spring when it was winter, or fall when it was spring? Imagine how grumpy you get when you want summer to be longer when the fall air comes blowing through? You can't stop …
How To Raise A Future Leader
There are many assumptions we can make when it comes to looking at our children as future leaders. What does leader mean? Can it be defined? Are there social assumptions we make? What is valuable in the culture? Is it a president, a mother, a great entrepreneur, a fabulous wife? What dictates or …
How to EFFECTIVELY Argue With Your Partner
In this video, Dr. Steven Fonso will show you how to effectively argue with your partner. How do you effectively argue with your partner? You don't effectively argue by trying to win the argument, you effectively argue by listening to your partner. When you argue to try and win, you really don't …