I had an incredible insight years ago. I was walking with my wife, and we were talking about people that she admired for the life they were living. Two names that came up were an artistic leader who has created an incredible brand and business in home decor, and the second was the …
Self Improvement
The ONE Thing For When You’re in a Funk
Recently I was in a ‘fitness funk’. My old relationship with fitness, aesthetic desire, pushing weights, sprints, etc.. just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. In my mind I was saying, “what am I doing this for?” Have you ever been there, where the old needs and the old strategies just …
Why You Unconsciously Don’t Want Support
Who doesn't love being supported? Well, from my clinical experience, everyone consciously wants to be supported. Except when I start asking them questions to reveal unconsciously why they don’t want it: It limits your flexibility and independenceIt takes up too much timeYou feel …