Of course you think of food right away, yet the undigested I’m talking about, are the events that we have yet to digest fully as appreciation. At the risk of sounding condescending, the undigested material, the circumstances that have not been thought through in wholeness, still weight on your …
The ONE Thing For When You’re in a Funk
Recently I was in a ‘fitness funk’. My old relationship with fitness, aesthetic desire, pushing weights, sprints, etc.. just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. In my mind I was saying, “what am I doing this for?” Have you ever been there, where the old needs and the old strategies just …
How to Heal from Challenging Circumstances and Hardships
It is said that if our environment changes more than 10%, our nervous system begins to get overwhelmed. That doesn’t lend itself too much breathing room when it comes to changing environments, challenging relationships, or even our own toxic behaviour. I’m going to step out on a limb for a …