Who doesn’t want to continue to develop and boost confidence levels?
Developing self worth and confidence starts with INTEGRITY OF YOUR WORD.
Stated simply, ‘do what you say your going to do.’
I’ve noticed in my practice, those with the greatest self worth do what they say they are going to do.
If they say they are coming twice a week, they do that.
If they say they are doing morning exercises, they do that.
If they say they are showing up for a talk, they do that. The bottom line, if they tell me they are committing and going to do something, they do it, and they follow through.
This extends all the way down to the simple of tasks.
If you say you are making your bed each morning, do you make it?
If you tell your friends you are taking on a stretching program each morning are you doing it?
Part of integrity, of self worth, is the genuine expression to do what you say you are going to do. And you also know, that regardless of the size, it feels good to do what you said you were going to do. It’s as if you showed up for your own party…and you celebrate that.
On the flip side, NOT showing up for yourself, to perform for yourself in a way you said you were going to, deflates self worth. The inaction can kill the human spirit. You start doubting your worth, your abilities, your integrity, your dedication or discipline…although it may sound slightly extreme, NOT doing what you said you are going to do is an internal toxicity.
Here are a few key points to increase your odds of integrity, follow through, and ultimately, self worth.
- Watch your words: It’s easy to flippantly yap your gums and say you are going to do ‘this and that’ without a timeline, without intent, without a true and genuine motive. Maybe it’s a good time to reflect on how you speak, how fast you talk, your intention and pace of your language, and seeing if you can double or triple your awareness of the words that leak out the front end.
- Ensure high value activities: You increase the likelihood of success and integrity if you are setting your languaging around things you truly value. If fitness is low on your values and you say, “I’m for sure going to exercise 5 times a week…”, well, I think we know where that one is going, and we can also predict that you will internally beating yourself up in about 2-3 weeks. This is where the thoughtfulness and mindfulness comes in to ensure that what you say and committing to is really high enough on your values. Then you are not setting up expectations that won’t or are nearly impossible to meet.
- Follow through with a checklist: Once you know what you are dedicating yourself to, put it down (yes if my mom reads this I am promoting a checklist). The checklist is to ensure that you are able to track and monitor your behaviour to double ensure integrity. And for some of the tougher ones, the ones you know you really need to do but maybe aren’t the highest on your values, bring on a support team to hold you accountable until you find your flow and the action becomes part of you.
Integrity, confidence, doing what you say, inner honestly, knowing your values…they all go wrapped in a beautiful package that either continues help you open your self worth and esteem or stays closed, you stay disconnected from your word, and your self worth falls once again to the wayside.
Be resilient,
Dr. Steve