Want to SPARK your immune system?
Who doesn’t want feel bulletproof?
Most of us think of the immune system when we have a runny nose, cough, or just feel run down. We tend to forget that your immune systems actually keeps you alive on a daily basis, clears inflammation and debris, and fights for your survival. How can you optimize this crucial system of defence? I’ll show you 4 essential ways of doing it, from the physical to the spiritual.
Most people think of the immune system and nutrition. There are other factors that play a role in a rock solid immune system, and I want to share with you some other essential gems to consider. Life is too busy, and you have important things to accomplish and people to tend to, for your immune system to crash for a week or more.
Let’s look at 4 key elements.
1) The Physical: The first factor to physically consider is the posture of your body. When your posture is slumped or bent, it take more energy to hold it up. This extra energy draws away from other vital processes including the immune system. Imagine a bowling ball held away from your body. It takes more energy and work to hold it with your arms straight out in front of you, than it does to hold it close. The same goes for you head. When it’s far out in front of you, it wastes more energy.
2) The Emotional: The second factor to emotionally consider are emotions. The emotions you repress or do not resolve, builds as tension in the body and creates heat and inflammation. Frustration is one common one. That emotion create heat that promotes breakdown and challenges the immune system to work overtime to combat. That extra work exhausts the adrenal glands and energy system leaving you with less over the long haul.
3) The Mind: The third factor to consider is the mind. Language like “always” and “never” are extreme psychological polarities, that distort the structure and energies of the body, and take a massive toll on the immune system. Always and never are lies you tell yourself, so get more courageous and to the truth and help out your immune system.
4) The Spiritual: The fourth factor to consider is the spiritual. Spiritual exanguination was a term i learned years ago and basically means that you are not living authentically, on purpose, in your highest spiritual gifts. This leads to boredom. Boredom over time is depressing and burns out the nervous system when feeling less than fulfilled. Get doing the things that light up your soul and you will be recharging your nervous system and your immune system simultaneously.
So in summary, posture up, express out, be truthful in your communication, and do the things that light you up.
Best foot forward,
Dr. Steve
P.S. I invite you to join our tribe