If you’re alive and reading this right now, you are committed to something. I watch clip after clip of people using the word "commitment" to achieve. Essential. So if you question whether you are a committed individual, look no further than your own life to answer the question. What are …
The Disease That Kills Authenticity
Here’s when you can bet YOU AREN’T being authentic: So, how much of your weekly conversations does that cover? 17 years ago, I had my mind blown, that all of us have ALL parts. Parts that tell the truth, parts that lie. Parts that are selfish, parts that are selfless. Parts that …
How to Find the Pleasure in the Pain
Can you look at your symptoms as an adventure? I can hear it now...Dr. Steve...really? For most people that I have seen over the years, they rarely, if ever truly connect to their body in a meaningful way. And not that they need do, it’s just when they have symptoms, a very common …