I wanted to share with you another roadblock to your progress.
It’s called Sunday-Morning Syndrome.
Sunday morning syndrome signifies that we only really talk and walk a good game in the presence of certain people, and don’t apply the principles of self-mastery across all aspects of our life.
The discipline, focus, and surrender it takes to really dive into our own illusions, biased views, and emotional life takes consistent and persistent work.
Sunday-Morning Syndrome reminds us that the work doesn’t end when church is done.
The work needs to be done, especially when you get the call to self-mastery, daily.
The mind is much too slippery and sneaky to approach it any other way.
Blind spots develop too quickly.
You fall prey to societal expectations in a blink of an eye.
You place distracting activities ahead of productive activities that require more energy.
Self-mastery must come first.
You must come first.
And that means a daily commitment to getting in your heart, breaking your own tensions, and balancing out your own mind.
Keep us posted as to how you’re doing.
Dr. Steve