Back to balance.
It’s that time of year.
When we connect with fall, the season classically associated with letting go.
The pieces that no longer fit.
The parts that have played out their roles in our life.
The areas of life that need de-cluttering and refining.
It’s a beautiful gift to be human and reflect on what we have, what we don’t need and choose to let those go. Animals don’t get that choice.
On a health note, it’s a time to think and consider those practices that you have participated in that make life simpler while adding greater vitality. To make health less complex.
That assist you in your development and growth yet somehow make things more clear.
Simple High Intensity Interval Training
Long runs
Short runs
Simple Stretching
Take a look at what your most pressing health needs are right now.
Clear out some space in your schedule to dial in that.
I’m about generalization, yet at the same time, honour that at times it’s wise to double down and dial in on a few key practices that you know yields great results and great growth.
In the practice we have recommitted to making the entrainment ever more powerful with the same investment of time.
It now comes with a booklet to help you integrate what we did on the table, I will let you know what we entrained, the stage of healing, and in the booklet you will be able to journal about it, read about them, and connect to the energy of the entrainment on the table.
The booklets should be ready to go within the next week.
Super inspired to provide extra value for you, and for those that don’t live here, we have programs that are going to suit your needs online and in live events.
As written in the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris, “complexity for profit, simplicity for growth”
The spinal entrainment is a powerfully simple and effective way to propel your health forward.
Look forward to seeing you on the table.
Remember, pick that one thing and double down.
Enjoy simplifying,
Dr. Steve
Hours for Fall
Monday 2:30-5:30
Tuesday 8:30-11:30
Wednesday 2:30-5:30
Thursday 10:30-1:30
Friday 7:45-9:15
Give us a call: 628-0718 or email here