How to increase odds of commitment.
Sometimes it can be fun to play with new year’s resolutions.
Often times the goals are set around things we which the list is endless.
About a few years ago I wrote a blog about making this step easier and it still holds true.
Pick the goals or things or activities you would LOVE to do or to experience.
The wants are too many and overwhelm the mind.
The LOVES are fewer, more refined, and more energizing.
Go through your LOVE list, and if you can’t say, “I would LOVE this…” then put in on an ‘aside’ list and see if it is still around in a few months..maybe it will gain traction and move to your love list, or maybe it will fall away as a fantasy so often does.
Here’s a way that you can break it down further…
1) What would I love to do with my family?
2) What would I love to do with my significant relationship?
3) What would I love my career to look like?
4) What would I love my finances to look like?
5) What would I love my physical body to be like?
6) How would I love to contribute to my community?
Make sure you really AMPLIFY the LOVE in the question so you can feel the magnitude of it. Then the options dwindle to only the select few that deserve your upmost commitment and attention.
Cheers to an inspiring 2020,
Dr. Steve