Radical Devotion.
What if your life was a spiritual practice?
Not your breath work practice.
Not your fitness practice.
Not your meditation practice.
Not your painting class.
Your life.
Each step, each relationship, each circumstance…IS your spiritual practice, it is your spiritual unfolding.
You wake up…interact with people…
how you handle yourself is your spiritual practice.
You fall on the ground..
how you handle yourself is your spiritual practice.
Someone leans their car into your parking spot…
how you handle yourself is your spiritual practice.
You see a feed on Facebook or a Donald Trump impeachment meme..
how you handle yourself is your spiritual practice.
All damn day long, one test after another of your honesty, integrity, clarity, focus, emotional states, one experience after the other. All day long you are being a certain way in relationship with your life.
Life IS your practice.
Life IS your meditation cushion.
Life IS your yoga class.
The question is, are you radically devoted to your life, as though it IS your spiritual practice?
Radically merge with it all,
Dr. Steve